Modern Chiropractic Blog

Chiropractic Lafayette LA Eggs

Eating Organically in Lafayette

Eating Organically in Lafayette LA Q: I find Organic produce and Organic products to be really expensive – how can a family on a budget afford to eat this way? A: One comment we consistently hear from patients at our chiropractic clinic Modern Chiropractic in Lafayette LA is that, “It’s just too darn expensive to…

Chiropractic Lafayette LA Allergies

Lafayette Spring Allergies!

Lafayette LA Spring Allergies! If you aren’t one to experience the sneezing, sniffling, itchy-eyes and coughing due to pollen and a general change of season in Lafayette, chances are you know someone who does. Did you know that allergies in Lafayette LA are the result of an immune system that is over-worked? An over-worked immune…

Chiropractic Lafayette LA Thyroid

Unbalanced Thyroid Conditions that May Cause Lifestyle Changes

Unbalanced Thyroid Conditions that May Cause Lifestyle Changes in Lafayette LA Lately, it seems a number of patients at Modern Chiropractic in Lafayette LA have been inquiring about “unexplained belly fat” or “feeling so stressed they can’t relax” or even “feeling foggy.” If you’re feeling fatigued, foggy and fat and you can’t figure out why,…

Chiropractic Lafayette LA Excess Sugar


Sugar in Lafayette LA Haven’t you patience in Lafayette LA? If you haven’t, the truth is finally out and articles are popping up all over the news about how addictive it is. They talk about how it fires off the same signals in our brain that cocaine activates. Connecticut College concluded in 2013 that Oreos…

Chiropractic Lafayette LA Chicken

Should I buy Organic Chicken in Lafayette

The Burning Question: Do I Need to Buy Organic Chicken in Lafayette LA? Want your protein without the pesticides in Lafayette LA? Not sure if it really makes a difference? Here’s some great information on the organic bird… The organic label guarantees certain standards. Organic-chicken growers are legally prohibited from using sewage sludge as fertilizer,…

Chiropractic Lafayette LA Health Blocks

The truth about butter in Lafayette

The Truth About Butter in Lafayette LA I honestly miss watching Paula Deen’s cooking show’s and hearing her casual, “Just a stick of butter, y’all” which is an ingredient staple in most of her recipes. butterGranted, a whole stick of butter, or whole stick of anything, when eaten everyday isn’t good for you, but I…